Selection of candidates for education and training

The M3 meeting: exchange of experiences of good practice and training will be held from the 1st to 4th July 2023 in Tara National Park, Serbia. During the M2 meeting in Idrija, Slovenia the tentative agenda for the M3 meeting and training in Serbia have been agreed.

Also, the Project team defined the methodology that will be used in the selection of candidates for educational training (M3). Candidates will be selected by invitation and based on their biographies and previous careers and achievements, and they must meet the following conditions:

– They should be active sports workers (coaches, teachers or outdoor athletes) or educational staff or representatives of partner organizations

– That they already work with young people or that they want to specialise for work with this group

– They should come from the regions where there is already a strong senior trail running base.

Based on consultations with relevant individuals and organisations at the national level and the personal interest of individuals to get involved in the activities for which the project advocates, the project partners selected a total of 26 people for the M3 meeting exchange of experiences of good practice and training. This is not a final list, depending on private commitments there is a possibility that several more people will attend the training.

The training participants expressed their will to profile themselves as experts in the future who will work with young people in the field of trail running and environmental protection. They will take an active part in the creation of the Action plan for promotion and promotion of outdoor activities and environmental protection. In addition, training participants will be ambassadors of the “Green trails of future” project and will actively work on the promotion and popularisation of outdoor sports, with a special focus on young people.

The training is open for public and there is a possibility that other interested parties who meet the defined criteria can join the training.

After the meeting, a report with conclusions will be drawn up, which will be publicly available on the project website.

Also, all presentations from the training will be available on the project website.