The project “GREEN TRAILS OF FUTURE” addresses to encourage involvement of adolescents in outdoor sport and environmental education with focus on trail running.


The problem of modern days is the alienation of adolescents, and children in general, from activities in nature and sports in general, especially outdoor sports, and thus alienation from nature itself. The consequences of this are reflected in an unhealthy – sedentary lifestyle and improper attitude towards nature and environmental issues.


The goal of the project is to involve more adolescents in outdoor sports through trail running and to educate them about nature protection and environment issues. We have analysed the current situation in the project countries and concluded that the middle-aged population is mostly involved in this sport. Middle-aged people are already built-up personalities and it is difficult to change their attitudes towards environmental protection, unlike adolescents for whom this is the ideal time to adopt healthy and responsible lifestyle and habits.


Trail running is located in nature and in most cases in protected areas so it is an ideal place for environmental education. The project activities will promote adoption of responsible behaviours during the sporting activities and to increase the awareness on environmental issues.


Main objective of the project „GREEN TRAILS OF FUTURE“ is: 

Reaching sustainable involvement of adolescents in outdoor sports and nature protection 


Specific objectives:

SO1: To increase involvement of adolescents in trail running through sharing of good practices

SO2: To encourage the participation of adolescents in trail running as a tool to promote environmentally responsible behaviours and raising awareness for nature protection

SO3: To raise awareness about the importance of health-enhancing physical activity, through increased participation in trail running. 

SO4: To develop skills and key competences of volunteers, trainers, youth workers and professionals of the partner organisations and other stakeholders, who wish in outdoor sports and activities, and to encourage people care for the outdoors; 

SO5: To create a network of organisations from 3 European countries, promoting connections and exchange of good practices in the field of outdoor sports and environmental protection.


The project is implemented by:

– PK Tara, Serbia

– TREX, S. Macedonia

– Hg Idrija, Slovenia

– Mountaineering Association of Serbia, Serbia


The project is funded by the EU – European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).


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